Primordial Memory

School of Core Shamanism

Primordial Memory - School of Core Shamanism has a vision of recovering and updating Shamanism, in this 21st century, respecting and honouring Knowledge and All those who preserve It to this day.

Shamanism is an Open System of Knowledge, practised since primordial times. The earliest vestiges of shamanic practice in Europe date from 30,000 BC, while there are other traces from 50,000 BC and even earlier.

Primordial Memory - School of Core Shamanism in addition to Instruction in Core Shamanism – Primordial Nature® develops Human Development Programmes and Research.

Primordial Memory - School of Core Shamanism, on the Wings of the Eagle and Condor, is a flight, a practice, to create peace, the wholeness of each Human Being and Love for the Earth and all beings, through learning, the practice and updating of ancient techniques and shamanic arts of healing and ritual celebration.

Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor

According to an ancient prophecy of the native people of North and South America, at the start of times, the Eagle and the Condor flew together in the sky and their wings embraced the same wind. They lived at harmony as grandfather Sun and grandmother Moon.

The Eagle and the Condor were separated by adverse forces and divided their territory, leaving the Eagle in North America and the Condor in South America.

The peoples who had previously lived happily in peace were also then separated. They stopped talking to the spirits of nature and it became increasingly difficult to hear the music of Mother Earth.

The Eagle and the Condor will meet again, says the ancient prophecy. They will be back flying together, bringing healing for the wounds of humanity. The peoples will recover their dances, harvest beautiful fruit and speak again to the mountains. Their dreams will reach the stars, singing the music of Pachamama - Mother Earth - in a concert to life and nature.

All peoples, like the Eagle and the Condor, will be united again, in a fight of Love, to unite dreams, rhythms, songs and dances. To create harmony and restore fraternity between everybody, singing the song that gives us back Love of the Earth, of all brothers and sisters, of all the beings in the four sacred directions.

The spirit of Peace will awaken on the Earth.

After having waited thousands of years, the native peoples believe that the time is now.

Training in core shamanism

Primordial Nature

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